I’ve been meaning to have a good clear out of old neglected clothes and junk recently and something that I heard author Louise Hay say this morning has given me the urge to do it even more. She said that getting rid of things that bring you no happiness or energy anymore is really important as it makes room for the new things that will.
Anything that makes you happy and gives you energy is worth making space for.
This got me thinking about the other things in life that are perhaps robbing us of room to bring in more of this good energy.... the things that stress us out, zap us, bring us down and turn us on a negative spin.
Sometimes we don’t even realise what it is that’s doing it...we are creatures of habit and don’t always question everything we do day to day or take time to ask ourselves whether the things in our lives make us feel good or bad, but maybe if we did, it would help us understand what need to be removed.
When I was training to be a life coach, one of the best things I did was list my energy drainers and energy lifters. It was part of the introduction pack I’d give my clients and such a good exercise to do, one I’ve done numerous times over the years to keep myself in check.
I’d definitely recommend making your own list and see what you realise about your life because even if you can’t make big changes straight away, an awareness of your drainers will allow you to take back some control and be one step closer to removing them from your life.
The main thing to be gained from this list though is what you decide DOES make you have those good, energy filled, happy feelings because the more we focus on this particular list, the more the drainers will inevitably disappear on their own; the good will grow and there will simply be no room for the bad anymore...
How do we do this?
First of all we need to let our subconscious know what we want, so this simply means thinking about our good energy givers and how happy they make us, as much as we can.
The best and most effective way to get this message across is to visualise with emotion.
Visualising is like focussed daydreaming, we can all do it easily and as we know, with the right daydream, it can be so enjoyable that it flies by very quickly.
When I visualise I set my timer on my phone for however long I’ve got spare, normally 10-15 minutes a day but if I have longer I won’t time my self at all.
Make sure you’re relaxed and undisturbed.
Think of your good energy list and start to imagine a day full of all of those things. Some people do this as if they’re watching themselves act it out on the big screen but I like to imagine it all from my own eyes, looking around, taking in as much detail of my environment as possible and feeling the positive emotions that inevitably come along with it.
If you’re like me then the timer goes off before you know it and you realise you're smiling, you feel lifted, calm and happier. This is because you have raised your vibrational frequency :)
How did you find it? What did you feel? I’d love to know.
I hope you liked it enough to do it again because the good energy you’ve absorbed is now the good energy you resonate and the good energy you resonate is the good energy you will now go on to attract.