Your Reset Sessions Will Help You To Explore And Discover What You Really Want For Your Life.

Clarify Your Vision, Set Your Intentions And Move Forwards.


I’m Rachael, I became a Life Coach fifteen years ago because I was fascinated with how you can train your mind to work in positive ways to create positive outcomes. Since then I have developed my own holistic coaching technique based on in depth questioning to help you delve deeper into the finer details of the life you want to live. If we don’t stop to think about what we really want from our lives, we can’t manifest it. That is something I intend to help you do.


Feel A Bit Lost?

My Reset sessions will help you gain clarity. During your 1:1 phone call sessions you will enjoy the process of creating your vision. You will focus on finding out what makes you happy and what you want. You will get perspective on all areas of your life, discover what’s working and what needs improving. You will empower your belief system, remove your obstacles, and establish a direction you feel excited about. You will reset, connect with life, enjoy balance and feel in control again.

Scroll Down To Try A Free Session And View The 12 Life Areas I Focus On With My Clients…


1) Self Image

Nothing has more power over the life you live than the person you believe you are. Our sessions are your opportunity to ensure that this self-image is the best it can possibly be. By delving into who you want to be and setting your intentions for your Self-Image, your thoughts and imagination will work together and begin the process of bringing them into reality.


2) Home

With the help of some in depth questioning we will spend some time thinking about what kind of home you intend to have and which things in particular make you happy. We will explore what matters to you, how you want to feel and where you want to be so that we can create a clear vision of your Home.

3) Love & Relationships

Our sessions defining your intentions for your Love and Relationships is intended to raise your vibration to a point of attraction that works as a magnet to either welcome your ideal partner into your life, to maintain or improve your current relationship or to enhance your relationship with yourself. We will discover what it is you want, who and what makes you happy.


4) Career

In this area of life, it’s not always easy to know what you want to do. Sometimes we are distracted with what we think is the right thing to do. What I really want you to focus on during our sessions are thoughts of a career and work life that feel good.

I want you to forget about what you think you should do and tap in to what excites you, what you’re interested in and what you’d do if you believed you could do anything.


5) Family

As you and I know, families come in all shapes and sizes with differing levels of closeness, trust, support and love. In my opinion, every family is unique and should never be compared to another. My sessions have been created to allow you to discover what you want from your family life and what you can offer your family in return.


6) Health

One of the best things about being healthy and fit is how it makes you feel. That’s what I want you to focus on during our sessions. The good energy that flows through your body and that healthy glow that radiates from within. When we can look forward to the outcome, see it, feel it, be excited about it, the journey to get there can be so much easier and more enjoyable than you think.


7) Money

When we delve into setting your intentions for Money we will discover what it means to you and explore the emotions that come with it. How would you spend it? What would you be able to buy, give away, invest in or book? Would you enjoy being able to choose whatever you wish? For you? For others? How would this make you feel? In order to attract Money our minds need to believe we already have it.

8) Self Care & Relaxation

Relaxation and self-care is a vital part of a healthy lifestyle and something we should all make time for. Our sessions will ensure that you have paid enough attention to this area of your life and that you take the time to think about what self-care and relaxation means to you. We all relax in different ways and what I love about this particular area is that there are so many wonderful options to discuss and discover.

9) Friends

Healthy friendships are good for the soul and therefore need to be nurtured so that the connections stay strong and your bonds continue to bring you lots of those essential feel-good friendship vibes. When we decide which friends we want to be a part of our lives and how we want those friendships to blossom, we can then begin to explore what this will look like.

10) Travel

Sometimes there’s nothing better than the feeling of travelling or being on holiday. We allow our mind and body to take a break from our familiar every-day life and immerse ourselves in new surroundings, helping us to pause, unwind and refresh. These high vibrations are very powerful and good for our health, our sessions will encourage you to delve deep into this area and discover all of the travels you wish to pursue.

11) Hobbies

Hobbies and interests can be enjoyed for so many reasons, for example you may enjoy the brain stimulation, the feeling of accomplishment and self-improvement, they could bring you much needed mindfulness, escapism, enhance your creativity, or you may even love the socialising aspect. Whatever your hobbies and interests bring into your life, you do them because they make you feel good and for that reason our sessions will give them the time and focus they deserve.


12) Fun

Sometimes we focus too much on what we have to do and neglect the things we want to do, the things that bring us those powerful feelings of happiness, joy and laughter. However, in order to maintain a good level of energy for our day to day tasks and responsibilities, we need to be balancing this out with as much enjoyment as possible. When was the last time you laughed until you cried? What or who made that happen? Our sessions will help you answer these questions and attract more happiness into your life.

Try A Free Coaching Session

I’m currently offering free taster sessions (all via phone call) so please enter your details below and I will be in touch with my availability.

Be The Energy You Want To Attract

Sessions & Options

1) LOA Life Reset

We explore all of the above life areas, gain clarity, set intentions and create a vision you feel excited about manifesting.

Each session duration is 1 hour.

Price: £50.00.

First session is FREE.

Completing the Life Reset takes approximately 5 sessions however optional further sessions will be available to implement an inspired action plan and build momentum.

Your Life Reset Sessions will be via phone call.