When you were little and someone asked you what you wanted to be when you grew up, what did you say?
What happened to your answer?
Did you do it, or did it get replaced and forgotten about?
I asked my young niece this question the other day and she looked me straight in the eye and said “I’m going to be a Ballerina”. It reminded me of how free and open our thoughts are when we are little. Thankfully, she believes she can be anything she wants to be, she has had no experiences that have made her think otherwise. Then I thought about all of the chats I’ve had over the years with friends and family about what they and I might want to do with our lives and realised that the older we get, the less of us have answers anything like “be a Ballerina”.
I learnt recently that nothing has more power over the life you live than the image you have in your head of the person you believe yourself to be right now. So then the obvious question occurred to me; who do I think I am?
Who do you think you are?
It’s a weird one… go to a place in your head where you can see yourself stood in front of you. Knowing everything you know about yourself, take some time to check this person out and figure out what you think about them. What do you like about them? What do you think needs improvement? What life has this person had and how has it affected them physically and mentally? What have they achieved so far and what do you think they are capable of going on to achieve in life? Where are they right now and where are they heading?
The reason I did this was because I wanted to know if my perception of myself was in any way limiting me and if there are any things I believe about myself that are stopping me from being the person I want to be, physically and mentally.
Maybe you might realise some things about how you see yourself. You might be totally on track and happy with everything you see or, you might spot the reason you are not where you want to be yet. And where is that?
When you have ten minutes, find a quiet space where you can relax undisturbed. Close your eyes and begin to imagine yourself again, but this time, as the best version of yourself you or anybody else has ever seen. The more detail the better. Try to see everything from your hair, your clothes, your physical appearance, your posture, your facial expression, the look in your eye, the energy you are giving off, your smile, your mood, the kind of person you are, your strengths, your personality, the life you are going on to live…
How does that feel?
It should feel amazing!
It should give you some clarity on who it is you really want to be and that is all you need to become that person and be even happier than you are now.
In terms of energy and vibration, the better you feel when doing this, the higher your vibrational frequency will become and by changing your vibration in a positive way, you are automatically creating a change in your subconscious and reprogramming your day to day behaviour to match your new frequency – it is that simple.
Remember also that more clarity brings more speed – the more you focus on looking at the new you, the quicker the real you will start to change.
If you do this for long enough, you won’t need to close your eyes to see the new version of yourself anymore, they will be looking straight back at you in the mirror.