It’s Time To Focus On You…

Ever Feel A Bit Lost?

My Reset is a combination of Life Coaching and Law of Attraction practices to help you understand who you are, what makes you happy and what you want for your life. It is also an undated one year planner so that you can implement your intentions into the months, weeks and days ahead. My Reset is designed to help you take action and move towards a happier life. You can either print it out and work through the sections manually or download it onto your device.

Why I Made This For You…

I am Rachael, I am a Life Coach and I created My Reset to help you plan, believe and achieve whatever it is that you want for your life, I’ll also help you figure that out too.

I’d like to take this opportunity to tell you more about the unique design of this digital reset and one year life planner, and how the different sections help you take small steps to achieve transformational results in your life.

Scroll Down To View My Reset Pages And Download…

Need Some Perspective?

This exercise is designed for you to get perspective on all areas in your life, by contemplating how happy you are with them and colouring in the hexagon you can take a step back and notice those parts that may need improvement. You can also feel good about and grateful for the areas that are working well.

Want To Declutter?

The love and loathe list will give you the opportunity to declutter and to think about what brings you energy and what takes it away. It’s your time to think about what you want to do more of and what you want to remove or replace moving forward.

Get Clear About What You Want

This in depth exercise encourages you to explore your 12 life areas, these include Self-Image, Home, Love, Family, Friends, Career, Finances, Health, Fun, Hobbies, Travel and Self Care. I have created 12 questions for you to stimulate your imagination and help you set your intentions for each area. Here you will enjoy the process of discovering what it really is that you want for your life.

Need Motivation?

When we focus too much on the larger goals, being proactive can feel overwhelming, therefore I have segmented this process for you. My Reset encourages you to firstly think about your life as a whole, then to break it down to what you where you want to be a year from now. A lot can happen in a year, so this encourages you to be bold with what you want to achieve in this time.

Make Moving Forward Easy…

In order to manifest our intentions, we must believe in them and act accordingly, this section encourages you to align your behaviour with your intentions and take action. Creating your plan allows you to start thinking about what you may need and what you need to do in order to prepare for your intentions manifesting, for example sourcing information, advice, communication, time, equipment, qualifications or funds, anything that moves you closer to your intentions.

Get Clarity And Feel Excited…

When it comes to discovering what you want, focusing on it and enjoying taking steps towards it, life coaching and the Law of Attraction are very similar which is why I have incorporated practices that combine both of these influences including the importance of visualisation to gain clarity and raise your vibration. This section explains how to use visualisation as a tool and a daily practice to enjoy.

Need More Self-Belief?

Affirmations help you replace negative thought patterns with positive beliefs. The more you say or see your affirmations the quicker your subconscious will absorb them and begin to positively effect your mindset and behaviour. I created this page for when you are choosing your affirmations for the week’s ahead. How do you want to feel? What do you need help in believing?

Look Forward To Your Week Ahead

Taking time at the beginning of each week to think about how you can implement happiness and positive steps towards your intentions will ensure that your week will not only be filled with contentment and a sense of achievement, but that you will look forward to and enjoy every day. That is my intention for you, to experience growth, happiness and satisfaction every single day.

Look Forward To Your Day Ahead

The quickest way to feel good right now is to practice gratitude. This is why your daily pages encourage you to not only move towards your intentions but to also think about the positives in your life and feel good about them. When you feel good your subconscious absorbs this information and this has a powerful effect on your belief system. The more you practice gratitude the quicker your behaviour will positively change and allow you to be open to attracting more of this happiness into your life.

Be Kind To Yourself…

These pages are a chance for you to enjoy reflecting on what you have achieved over the previous four weeks, acknowledge your work, growth, happiness and success so that you can feel good about yourself and attract more of these feelings. It is also a time for you to reset, remove and replace any obstacles and look forward to the next four weeks, to think about what you will accomplish and how fantastic you will feel.

Achieve Life Balance

Balance is something I want you to feel when using My Reset. I want you to acknowledge and consider every part of your life and not just focus on work or the things you “have” to do. I want you to discover what you like, what you want and who gives you energy. My Reset will help you feel in control, enhance your life, and allow you to look forward, not just to the future, but to each and every day.

Be The Energy You Want To Attract.